Monday, May 12, 2014

Review: ChopSaver

ChopSaver was made for musicians who know how painful it is to try to play instruments with chapped lips, but I am here to tell you, this product is not just for musicians. Being from Michigan, our winter was brutal, and for the first time in years I ended up with chapped lips. Even now, when it's almost May, my lips are still healing, and I can honestly say, that I think this product helped! 
Do you or someone you know suffer from dry, chapped or otherwise irritated lips? Then ChopSaver All-Natural Lip Balm is your answer. I originally created the ChopSaver formula for people like me that play a wind or brass instrument. Now, everyone is in on the secret including dermatologists who recommend ChopSaver for their patients with chronic lip dryness. Made with organic ingredients, no other product matches ChopSaver for smoothness, durability and effectiveness. Try some today!
Some lip balms, when I put them on chapped or cracked lips burn me! ChopSaver didn't! It is made with all natural and organic ingredients! 

ChopSaver also comes in an SPF 15 formula. Perfect for summer time when you need to protect your lips from the hot, blistering sun. 

This is hands down, some of the best lip balm I have ever used! perfect for Michigan's harsh weather (all four seasons are crazy!) 

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