Friday, May 9, 2014

Review: Topricin

I wish I would have found out about this product AGES ago! When I was younger, I broke my ankle by tripping in a hole. Graceful is not exactly my middle name. I also have severe knee pain, and recently, from all of the typing and reviews I have been doing, my hands and arms are starting to get sore. I thought I would give the Original Topricin a try first, I rubbed some on my arms and I was amazed. This muscle cream works amazingly! It relieves a lot of the pain in my arms without having to take over the counter drugs. 

Topricin is a homeopathic rub. It will not interfere with any other medicine's you may be taking. It is also completely odorless and non sticky or greasy. 

Topricin can be used for a multitude of things; arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, muscle pain and stiffness, tendinitis, bruises, bug bites, minor burns and strains. 
Topricin is a miracle in a tube. I am extremely satisfied with this product! I want to carry it with me everywhere in my purse!

I was also able to try Topricin Foot Therapy Cream. As I mentioned earlier, when I was younger I broke my ankle, and some days it bothers me... today though, I rubbed some on my feet after being on them and walking around in flip flops, and this helped my sore feet.

The last thing that Topricin sent me was Topricin for Children. I personally don't have children, but my friend has twin sons, who are almost like my nephews. They are always running around like crazy, bumping into things, throwing toys at each other, just being boys. I will have her try this on their bumps and brusises. I know she will appreciate this being homeopathic, and not being full of nasty chemicals. 

These products are all WONDERFUL. Try them. I urge you to. You will not regret your purchase! 

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