Saturday, June 28, 2014

Review & Giveaway: MarketSpice Tea

Disclaimer: I received these items in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to post a positive review. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may differ.

Everyone who has visited my blog already knows that I am a tea fanatic. I would so much rather be drinking a glass of ice-cold tea, than a glass of pop. I suppose this is a good thing, because tea has many natural health benefits, while pop is basically pure sugar with artificially colors and flavorings in it.

This time, I am reviewing MarketSpice Tea in Cinnamon Orange. Marketspice Tea was established in 1911, and originated in Seattle’s Historic Pike Place Market. The Cinnamon Orange is their signature tea.

I tried this tea two different ways- a lighter brewed iced tea, and a darker brewed hot tea. I did not like this tea at all when I left it to steep in hot water, It was very strong. Though, I take the blame of that on myself, I probably left it in the water too long. However, When I let this steep only for a little bit (1-2 minutes) and then made it into iced tea, it was wonderful.

Though this tea reminds me a lot of the holiday season, probably from the cinnamon in it, the orange really steps it up and makes it suitable to drink any time of the year.
This is a Black tea, not a Green Tea, which I prefer. I know a lot of people prefer Black over green, and I am one of them. I was almost surprised when I read the ingredients and found out this contains no sugar! The natural sweetness of the orange gives it a sweet flavor.

I will certainly be checking out MarketSpice Tea’s other flavors!

Visit Their Website!
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MarketSpice Tea has also offered my readers a Giveaway! You may enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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