My favorite product that I received was the natural apple juice. It tasted just like apple cider! In my part of the state, when Fall comes around, the apple harvest starts, and apple cider and fresh doughnut holes are the best part about it. This is the perfect way to enjoy fall without it actually BEING Fall!
My favorite flavor of applesauce that i received was the blackberry. This was so yummy! Not to mention, it only contains two ingredients: Organic Apples and Organic Blackberries!! There is not sugar added. The applesauce is vegan, Kosher, Cholesterol Free, and contains no GMO's.Squeezed from fresh, whole, double-washed, ripe organic apples. This 100% organic apple juice is unsweetened, and is a real treat. Solana Gold apples are grown without the use of synthetically compounded fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides.
Organically grown and processed with no GMO's, no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives in accordance with the USDA National Organic Program (NOP)
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Now that's a slow lane memory, while you're stuck on the freeway. Remember disappearing to the creek in the heat of summer to pick plump, stain-your-fingers blackberries? Wasn't your dog Old Yeller yapping close behind, while Granddad called you to the porch with fresh lemonade?
Well, OK, OK, that was somebody's memory. Heck, you can use it.
So when you're stuck in the fast lane--when the check's due and the kids are cranky--grab some peace for yourself.
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