Thursday, May 8, 2014

Review and Giveaway: Kicking Horse Coffee

How do you start your morning routine? Chances are the first thing you do after you wake up is go and start the coffee pot. Since coffee is such an integral part is most households’ mornings, shouldn’t you be drinking coffee that makes you feel great? Though I am not a huge coffee drinker personally, the rest of my household definitely is! My mother, who is just not herself without her morning POT of coffee, would agree with me. Kicking Horse Kick-Ass Coffee is definitely a great way to start off your day.

“In the summer of 1858, James Hector set out to discover the Kicking Horse Valley. His expedition took him through some of the most beautiful and rugged country in the West. During a river crossing, one of the packhorses kicked Hector so hard that others in the expedition mistook him for dead. As they began to bury poor old James, they noticed his eye twitch. The legend says it was a stiff cup of Kick Ass Coffee that brought him back to life!”

I received the Kick Ass Dark roast to try. It promises to be Sweet, Smoky and audacious, and it does not disappoint.

Kicking Horse Coffee uses organic coffee grown in the shade of the rainforest canopy, providing a natural environment for birds and plants. These condition off superior quality and maintain a healthy and balanced Ecosystem.
They also use cans to package your coffee in. As cans are the most recycled product in the world, it keeps less waste out of the landfill.

“Recycled steel uses 75% less energy to reproduce and can be recycled an infinite amount of times. So the next time you see this [kicking horse coffee can] it may be a part of your new toaster or refrigerator. It keeps your coffee fresher too.”

Kicking Horse Coffee is also a fair trade product. Fair trade ensures that farmers receive a fair price regardless of the market forces.
I also have to add that the aroma of this coffee is wonderful. Even with it being in the can, I can smell it. Every time I walk past our “coffee spot” in the kitchen I can smell this coffee. Everyone loves the smell of coffee!

I love this product! Kicking Horse Coffee has also generously allowed me to do a giveaway for my readers!

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