It takes a lot to get my husband out of the house. A LOT. It usually involves hours of pestering. I received Ring Stix Pro to review, and the day after it arrived in the mail, my husband spotted it next to my desk.
"What is that?" he asked.
"Ring Stix. It's a game. Do you want to go out and play?"

I have to admit, I had tried these earlier that same day with my brother, and they are a blast. I usually am pretty awful with outside sports type games, but these were super fun! At first it took me a while to get my aim down, the ring was flying in all sorts of directions. After about the 5th time, it felt very natural and I could get the ring to go where I wanted it to go. My brother and I played for about an hour that day, both of us catching the ring several times.
This game was new and easy to learn. I would even consider buying another set so more people could play with us. My husband is completely sold on this game. he even asks me to play!
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