I was given the opportunity to review Somersault Snacks, little circle clusters of sunflower seeds and grains. They come in several different flavors including, cinnamon crunch, sea salt, salty pepper, sante fe salsa, and Cocoa Crunch. My personal favorite is the Sea Salt and the salty pepper.
These are the most unique snack I have ever eaten. I have never even heard of anything like these. The cocoa is nice and sweet, and you get a nice chocolately flavor, but still can taste the sunflower seeds. It's perfectly balanced. The Sea Salt is a more "traditional" taste. You can really taste the sunflower seeds, which is great for me because I love Sunflower seeds! One of my favorite ways to eat them is on a salad.
I have to say one of the best parts about these flavor packed snacks, is that they are better for you than most snacks! Each little packet contains ingredients that are all natural, three grams of protein, and six grams of fiber. They are also Nut Free.
These would be perfect to pack in a sack lunch for your child going to school, or just to throw in your purse for a snack throughout the day.
Great tasting, Great product! 10/10
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